Make A True Change
As a 501(c) 3 non-profit, our organization appreciates and relies on the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution making a difference in the capacity of Rhode Island to address its public health and emergency response needs. Whether your donation be monetary, technical support, equipment needs or volunteer hours, we truly couldn't be where we are today without it. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.
Our organization relies on community sponsors, state and federal partners and private, charitable donations to ensure that RI has the capacity to maintain a trained corps of medical health professional volunteers ready to assist in expanding public health efforts and maintaining state readiness.
Thank you to all of our valued supporters and partners for maintaining your support of our organization and its dedicated volunteers.

RI Department of Health
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) and RIDMAT/MRC have been strong partners in preparedness, response and public health activities in Rhode Island.

Capital Wealth Foundation
The Capital Wealth Foundation is a generous supporter of RIDMAT/MRC and it NOPE-RI program in their mission to make a positive impact in Rhode Island and address pertinent issues.

RI Emergency Management Agenncy
The Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency and RIDMAT/MRC work collaboratively to enhance RI's capacity to prepare for and respond to public health and emergency disasters in RI.

Medical Reserve Corps
The National Medical Reserve Corps program in the Department of Health and Human Services provides technical support and award opportunities to RIDMAT/MRC.